Date Calculator
There are 7 days between 2024-11-28 and 2024-12-05
Date calculator
The date calculator will help you calculate the amount of days between two days, how many days it is until a specific date and add or subtract from a date. Calculating the number of days until a certain date or determining a date after adding or subtracting a specific number of days are essential skills in various fields. Whether you are managing a project timeline, planning an event, or keeping track of deadlines, understanding these calculations is crucial.
How many days per month?
All the months have 30 or 31 days except from february. February has 28 days, unless it is a leap year. In a leap year february has 29 days.
- January: 31 days
- February: 28 days and 29 days in a leap year
- March: 31 days
- April: 30 days
- May: 31 days
- June: 30 days
- July: 31 days
- August: 31 days
- September: 30 days
- October: 31 days
- November: 30 days
- December: 31 days
Leap years
When you want to calculate days between dates, you have to check if a leap year can affect your date calculation. A leap year occurs every 4 years, except for years that are evenly divisible by 100 but not by 400. In a leap year, February has 29 days instead of 28. To determine if a year is a leap year:
- A year is a leap year if it is divisible by 4.
- However, if the year is divisible by 100, it must also be divisible by 400.
How to calculate date difference?
To calculate the difference between two dates you have to add all the days each month between the two dates have.
Example: You want to calculate days between dates june 23 and november 27, so you check how many days each month has.
- Days in June: 30 - 23 = 7 days
- Days in July: 31 days
- Days in August: 31 days
- Days in September: 30 days
- Days in October: 31 days
- Days in November: 27 days
Then you can sum these days: 7 + 31 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 27 = 157 days