Percentage Calculator
Percentage calculator
The percentage calculator will help you calculate the percentage of a number or calculate what percentage a number is of another number. When you want to know what the percentage of a fraction is you could also check out a Fraction calculator.
How to calculate a percentage?
To calculate the percentage of a number you can divide the number by 100 and multiply by the percentage.
Percentage = number / 100 × percentage
Example: You want to know what 50% of 20 is, the formula would look like this:
20 / 100 × 50% = 10
How to calculate a percentage difference?
To calculate the percentage difference you divide the numbers together, multiply by 100 and then subtract 100.
Difference = (number / number × 100) - 100
Example: You want to know the difference from 42 to 50, the formula would look like this: (50 / 42 × 100) - 100 = 19.05%
How to calculate what percentage a number is of a number?
To calculate what a percentage a number is of a number you divide 100 by a number and multiply by a number.
Percentage = 100 / number × number
Example: You want to know what percentage 15 is of 25, the formula would look like this: 100 / 15 × 25 = 60%