Average Speed Calculator
10 Kilometers in 1 hours 15 minutes 2 seconds is 7.996 km/h, 2.221 m/s, 4.969 mph or 7.288 ft/s
Avg speed calculator
The average speed calculator will help you find the average speed you have gone. This can easily be calculated by going from distance and time. This can be useful when you want to know the speed of a car, bus, bike, train enz.
How to calculate average speed?
To calculate your average speed, you divide the total distance traveled by the travel time.
Average speed = Distance / Amount of time
Example: You want to know how to calculate the average speed of a car which drove 20 km in 30 minutes, the formula for average speed would look like this: 20 / 0.5 = 40 kilometers per hour
How to convert km/h to m/s?
We know that 1 kilometer is 1000 meters and 1 hour is 3600 seconds. To calculate m/s we can simply multiply the km/h by 1000 and then divide by 3600.
m/s = km/h × 1000 / 3600
How to convert mp/h to ft/s?
We know that 1 mile is 5280 feet and 1 hour is 3600 seconds. To calculate ft/s we can simply multiply the mp/h by 5280 and then divide by 3600.
ft/s = mp/h × 5280 / 3600
Example: You want to know how to convert 60 mph to ft/s, the formula would look like this: 60 × 5280 / 3600 = 88 ft/s