BMI Calculator: Calculate Body Mass Index
BMI Calculator
The bmi calculator will help you calculate your bmi based on your weight and height. Below are BMI tables that give an indication of what your bmi means for kids, men and women. So you can check if you have a healthy weight.
BMI table for adults
BMI table for kids
The BMI is also a quick and easy method for determining underweight or overweight for children. BMI for children depends on gender: girls have on average a slightly higher BMI than boys.
How to calculate your BMI?
Body mass index is a medical tool that measures the ratio of your height to your weight to estimate the amount of body fat. The BMI is widely used to get an indication of your health conditions, whether you are underweight, overweight or obese.
Metric system
To calculate your bmi, you divide the weight in kilogram by the height in meters squared.
BMI (Metric system) = weight in kg / height in meters²
Example: You want to know your bmi score with a height of 1.80 meter and a weight of 72 kg. The bmi formula looks like this: 72 / 1.80² = 22.2 bmi score.
Imperial system
To calculate your bmi, you divide the weight in pounds by the height in inches squared and multiply by 703.
BMI (Imperial system) = 703 × weight in pounds / height in inches²
Example: You want to know your bmi score with a height of 70 inches and a weight of 154 pounds. The bmi formula looks like this: 154 / 70² = 22.1 bmi score.