Salary calculator


Hourly salary
Weekly salary
Monthly salary
Yearly salary

Salary calculator

The Salary calculator will help you change your hourly salary into yearly, monthly or weekly salary. If you are interested in how a pay raise would affect your salary you could also check out a pay raise calculator.

How to calculate your hourly salary?

To calculate your hourly salary, you divide the yearly salary by the hours a week and then divide it by 52(weeks per year).

Hourly salary = salary per year / hours a week / 52

How to calculate your monthly salary?

To calculate your monthly salary, you multiply the hourly salary by the hours a week and then multiply it by 52(weeks per year) and then divide it by 12(months per year).

Monthly salary = salary per hour × hours a week × 52 / 12

How to calculate your yearly salary?

To calculate your yearly salary, you multiply the hourly salary by the hours a week and then multiply it by 52(weeks per year).

Yearly salary = salary per hour × hours a week × 52

How to calculate your weekly salary?

To calculate your weekly salary, you divde the hourly salary by the hours per week.

Weekly salary = salary per hour / hours a week

See also
Saving goal
Compound interest
Pay raise