Salary calculator
Salary calculator
The Salary calculator will help you change your hourly salary into yearly, monthly or weekly salary. If you are interested in how a pay raise would affect your salary you could also check out a pay raise calculator.
How to calculate your hourly salary?
To calculate your hourly salary, you divide the yearly salary by the hours a week and then divide it by 52(weeks per year).
Hourly salary = salary per year / hours a week / 52
How to calculate your monthly salary?
To calculate your monthly salary, you multiply the hourly salary by the hours a week and then multiply it by 52(weeks per year) and then divide it by 12(months per year).
Monthly salary = salary per hour × hours a week × 52 / 12
How to calculate your yearly salary?
To calculate your yearly salary, you multiply the hourly salary by the hours a week and then multiply it by 52(weeks per year).
Yearly salary = salary per hour × hours a week × 52
How to calculate your weekly salary?
To calculate your weekly salary, you divde the hourly salary by the hours per week.
Weekly salary = salary per hour / hours a week