Meters to feet converter
Meters to feet calculator
The m to feet converter will help you convert your meters into feet and vice versa.
How to convert meters to ft?
We know that one meter is equal to 3.2808399 feet. You can multiply the amount of meters by 3.2808399 to convert meters to feet.
Feet = number of meters × 3.2808399
Example: You want to know how many feet there are in 27 meters. The meters conversion formula looks like this: 27 × 3.2808399 = 88.5826773 feet.
Meters unit symbol is m.
Meters is a unit of length in the International System of Units (SI) which is the modern metric system.
Meters is used to express:
Distance traveled
Speed: meters per second (m/s).
Surface area
One meter is equal to 3.2808399 feet
Feet unit symbol is ft.
Feet is a unit of length in the imperial and US customary systems of measurement.
Feet is used to express:
Distance traveled
Speed: feet per second (fts).
Surface area
One feet is equal to 0.3048 meters